11th Sunday of Luke  Divine Liturgy   12/12/2021 Assumption Greek Orthodox Church Chicago IL

11th Sunday of Luke Divine Liturgy 12/12/2021 Assumption Greek Orthodox Church Chicago IL

11th Sunday of Luke December 12th, 2021 Proistamenos Rev. Father Apostolos N. Georgiafentis Assumption Panagia Greek Orthodox Church Chicago, Illinois Epistle: St. Paul's Letter to the Ephesians 5:8-19 Gospel: Luke 14:16-24 More content is available at our website http://www.Assumptionchicago.org SUNDAY BULLETIN AND MORE ⤵️ https://linktr.ee/assumptionchi FOLLOW US ⤵️ @AssumptionCHi Facebook and Instagram Sunday Service: Matins - 8:30 am Divine Liturgy - 10:00 am Main Church Summer Hours: Matins - 8:00 am Divine Liturgy - 9:30 am