12 Dec 2021 - 11th Sunday of Luke : Orthros & Liturgy from Panagia Cathedral in Toronto Ont. Canada

12 Dec 2021 - 11th Sunday of Luke : Orthros & Liturgy from Panagia Cathedral in Toronto Ont. Canada

ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ ΙΑ' ΛΟΥΚΑ - Του Οσίου Σπυρίδωνος Επισκόπου Τριμυθούντος του Θαυματουργού Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία - Ιερός Καθεδρικός Ναός της Παναγίας - Τορόντο Καναδά 11th Sunday of Luke - Feast of St. Spirydonos, Bishop of Trimythountos the Wonderworker Orthros & Divine Liturgy from Panagia Greek Orthodox Cathedral - Toronto, Ontario, Canada Greek Sermon at 2:08:10 - "The Parable of the Great Banquet: Blessed is He who will eat Bread in the Kingdom of God" English Sermon at 2:58:27 - "The Banquet God Invites Us to, is the Divine Liturgy & the Feast of St. Spirydon, Bishop of Trimythountos in Cyprus" For more information, visit http://www.panagia.ca