국립부산국악원 토요신명: 명품레퍼토리(나형)-처용무(2020.12.12)

국립부산국악원 토요신명: 명품레퍼토리(나형)-처용무(2020.12.12)

토요신명: 명품레퍼토리(나형)-처용무 - 출연: 국립부산국악원 국악연주단 - 장소: 예지당 - 주최 및 촬영/국립부산국악원 ㅇ 처용무 처용무는 처용의 탈을 쓰고 추는 궁중춤이다 현재 전승되고 있는 궁중춤 중 가장 오래된 춤으로 신라 헌강왕때의 처용설화에 기원을 둔다 처용무는 악귀를 몰아내고 왕실의 평화를 기원하는 나례의식 춤으로 고려시대에는 1인이 국가적 행사인 팔관회와 연등회에서 연희되었고, 조선 성종때에 오늘날과 같이 다섯 명이 추는 오방처용무로 발전하였다 국가무형문화재 제39호로 지정되어 있으며, 2009년 유네스코 인류무형문화유산으로 선정되었다 ㅇ 출연 ·춤: 김기원 Busan National Gugak Center Saturday Performance of Korean Music & Dance (Cimprehensive Type Na) ㅇ Cheoyongmu “Cheoyongmu” is a masked dance based on the story from Unified Silla period during the reign of king Heongang It is about an officer named Cheoyong, who is also prince of underwater kingdom, who drove away illness-bringing spirits This was danced as a part of expelling evil spirits up until the Goryeo period, but was later adopted as court dance in the Joseon period It originally had only one dancer dressed in black but later came to employ four more dancers each wearing blue, red, white, and yellow respectively These five colors represents five essential elements of the universe (iron, water, wood, fire, and soil) and the five directions of east, west, north, south, and the center It is thus a symbolic dance which signifies that five essential elements of the universe combined can drive out all evil powers, as performed in the new year’s eve Simple yet powerful movements express the beauty of masculinity Cheoyongmu was designated to UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity on September 30, 2009