Psalm 23: I shall live in the house of the Lord...(PJ Anderson)
#psalmschallenge week 30: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A. Psalm 23: "I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life..." Set by PJ Anderson***, from Spirit and Psalm. As music ministers, we're usually called to proclaim Psalm 23 a lot. Often, we're proclaiming it with the most emphasis on the gentle and pastoral parts ("The Lord is my Shepherd..."). Often, we're also giving comfort in a time that people are mourning (it's one of the traditional funeral Psalms.) But today's text, and this setting in particular, take a different approach. By having "I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life" be the refrain, today's Psalm focuses on the joyful reminder that, after living a life where we are faithful to the Lord, we'll live in His house---Heaven---forever!!! That's a true reason to rejoice!!! (We still have the pastoral parts here, though, so I wanted to make sure I showed a difference between the refrain and the verses, mainly the first verse) ***Heads up: I intentionally transposed this one +2 from the original key, up to F Major. As always, this is my arrangement. Lots of arranging this time around! Spirit and Psalm actively encourages arranging ( interpreting the verses in a way you think best emphasizes the text, within the basic notes and measures given). The way I sing through the verses of this Psalm might be different from the way you choose. And that's awesome, because that means there will be many different, cool interpretations of this setting! I hope my interpretation helps you think through how you'll approach this Psalm in your own unique way, or reflect on the text in a different way. ---- Some more notes for this one (you don't have to read them, I don't usually have this many notes 😂) Recorded this one right after getting back from an awesome night of music ministry! I laughed at the end because I could tell how much energy and joy of the Lord was really evident in me from that night ❤❤❤ maybe next time I cantor, I should do my recording right afterwards again! Also it seems like the video sometimes starts out with a green screen for a tenth of a second, but then everything else is fine. And the green screen doesn't always show up when I play the video...that's weird. Sorry if that gets in your way. I really liked how this playthrough of the arrangement turned out, and I didn't feel like the random green at the beginning was any reason to re-record. So I uploaded this take anyway.