#OnlineMass【Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time】 Rev. Gabriel Altamirano Ortega

#OnlineMass【Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time】 Rev. Gabriel Altamirano Ortega

#OnlineMass Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) 23 Feb 2025 (Sun) 9:30 am Celebrant: Rev. Gabriel Altamirano Ortega #SeventhSundayinOrdinaryTime #CatholicWayHK #HKDAVC #CatholicDioceseofHongKong #revgabrielaltamiranoortega Sunday Missal & Hymn Lyrics: https://bit.ly/3XfSvpq * “Catholic Way” will net cast live at the Cathedral the Mass in Chinese and English. *Starting from 30/6 2024, the video review of Sunday English Masses will be suspended until further notice from the parish priest. *"Live Chats & Comments" will be turned off during Live Webcast ======================== We ask for your generous support of the evangelization efforts of "Catholicwayhk"! Please make your cheque payable to "Diocesan Audio-Visual Centre" and mail to 10/F Catholic Diocese Centre, 16 Caine Road, Hong Kong.