6/26/22 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Nativity of Mary Janesville, Wisconsin Alleluia No. VI Music - ©1977,1990 OCP Contributors: Owen Alstott For You Are My God Words and Music - ©1970 OCP Contributors: John Foley Lead Me, Lord Words and Music - ©1987 OCP Contributors: John Becker Lord, to Whom Shall We Go Words and Music - ©2003 OCP Contributors: Scott Soper Mass of Creation - Gloria Music - ©1984 GIA Publications, Inc. Contributors: Marty Haugen The Summons Words and Music - ©2019 GIA Publications, Inc. Contributors: John Bell, Gary Daigle You Are My Inheritance, O Lord Words and Music - ©1969,1981,1997,1977,1990 OCP Contributors: Owen Alstott, International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) Music performed under copyright license: onelicense.net #A703667. All rights reserved