November 20, 2022 Worship Service - Thanksgiving and Potluck

November 20, 2022 Worship Service - Thanksgiving and Potluck

Give to SGUUF ❤ Sign up to our newsletter "The Messenger" ✉ First time visitor? Fill out our new visitor form ------------------------------------ Thanksgiving Service and Potluck ------------------------------------ Thanksgiving Service and Potluck November 20, 2022 10:30 a.m. Rev. Jami Yandle Join us for this annual service where we celebrate gratitude for our shared community. ------------------------------------ About San Gabriel UU Fellowship ------------------------------------ We are a spiritual community that welcomes all and sustains a green sanctuary. We promote personal and spiritual growth and work for a just, peaceful and sustainable world. Our Sunday Services are upbeat and uplifting, while challenging our minds, hearts and bodies. Learn more @ and view our upcoming events by going to