किडनी की सूजन कम करने के लिए 7 घरेलू नुस्खे | Kidney Sujan Ke Upay | Gharelu Nuskhe | Dr Puneet
The cause of every health anomaly is linked with your diet and lifestyle. If you put in junk foods, you cause trouble for your organs. By contrast, when you eat healthy foods, you support your organs to maintain your vigor and vitality.#symptomsofkidneyproblems Through this channel, we propagate a healthy diet, lifestyle, and Ayurvedic treatment for kidney patients. We are diligently working on a motto to make disease-free India. Our kidney expert, Dr. Puneet, assuages kidney patients with Ayurvedic medications. Currently, the doctor has cured more than one lakh kidney patients. His treatment is utterly free from side effects and tumultuous methods like dialysis. #kidneyfailure #kidneyfailurekailaj Here, we have shared some of the methods that our team used to reduce kidney swelling. 1. Prevent hypertension 2. Avoid sweeteners 3. Never block urine flow 4. Avoid alcohol and smoking 5. Eat non-veg within a limit 6. Do not overeat salt, oil, and junk foods If you or anyone in your family is diagnosed with kidney swelling, take these precautions and consult Dr. Puneet for Ayurvedic treatment. More videos at – अदरक बचाएगा किडनी रोग होने से | Benefits Of Ginger | Kidney Diet | Ginger For Kidneys| Dr Puneet • अदरक बचाएगा किडनी रोग होने से | Benef... निम्बू कभी नहीं होने देगा किडनी ख़राब | Lemon In Diet | Lemon For Kidney |Diet For Kidney Patients • निम्बू कभी नहीं होने देगा किडनी ख़राब ... किशमिश का पानी देगा हैरान कर देने वाले फायदे । Benefits Of Raisin Water | Raisin Water for Kidney • किशमिश का पानी देगा हैरान कर देने वाल... पेशाब मे झाग होगा बंद अगर खाओगे ये सब | Diet For Protein Loss | Dr Puneet • #Shorts पेशाब मे झाग होगा बंद अगर खा... Book an Appointment Helpline Number: 011-4777-2777 WhatsApp us: +91-9871712050 [email protected] #symptomsofkidneyproblems #kidneyfailure #kidneyfailurekailaj