Happy 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time!

Happy 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time!

Today’s Announcements: 1. Thank you for your generous sharing of self! dwy.io/HolyFamily Do you wish giving to Holy Family were easier? Set up a recurring donation today! 2. Support our dream of a new church! dwy.io/BuildingFund 3. Hear ye, hear ye: Read all about it in Extraordinary Catholics magazine! https://extraordinarycatholics.faith/... 4. Our Parish Calendar Wednesday, March 5 – Ash Wednesday! Fr. Roy will host a service & drive-thru ashes 12-2 PM, & Fr. Jayme will celebrate a bilingual Mass at 7 PM. Friday, March 7, 7 PM – Bilingual Stations of the Cross, in the chapel, followed by food & community building in the parish hall! March 9 – Daylight Saving Time begins: “spring forward” an hour or you’ll be an hour late to Mass! 1st Sunday of Lent: We’ll celebrate our 13th anniversary as a parish & Fr. Jayme’s 24th anniversary as a priest! After Mass, we’ll celebrate our annual Holy Family Awards! 5. Holy Family Day at the Theater, April 2, 2 PM! We’ll see “Unveiled,” starring Holy Family’s own Ana Pecina, Saturday, April 2, 2 PM at the Scottish Rite Cathedral. Tickets $40. See Becky or Terry Ann by March 9!