बिना घी,सोडा के जालीदार मैसूर पाक बनाये, Mysore Pak Recipe| no ghee mysore pak
बिना घी,सोडा के जालीदार मैसूर पाक बनाये, Mysore Pak Recipe| no ghee mysore pak #mysorepak #withoutghee #sweets #prabhakitchen #instantrecipe In this video, you would see how to prepare the tasty mysore pak without using ghee which exactly looks like honey comb with lot of holes in it. I have given some tips on mysore pak preparation. Do watch this video and let me know your comments . mysore pak recipe in hindi,easy mysore pak recipe,mysore pak recipe for beginners,mysore pak kaise banaye,mysore pak banane ki vidhi,mysore pak video recipe,ghee mysore pak recipe,mysore pak at home,mysore pak sweet,perfect mysore pak recipe,how to make mysore pak,besan mysore pak,diwali sweet recipe,festive sweet recipe,hoil sweet recipe,maisoor pak,food connection,mysore pak making,soft mysore pak,quick mysore pak,indian sweet recipe,