Mysore Pak | मैसूर पाक कैसे बनाएं | जालीदार परफेक्ट रेसिपी जानने के लिए देखिए | #sweet #mysorepak
Hello everyone: Today showing a delicious sweet Mysore Pak Sweet. This recipe has a different style, And the cooking method is unique. so I am sharing a full explanation of how to make jalidar Mysore Pak. pls LIKE, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE INGREDIENTS Basan 150 gm. oil 2+ 1\2 tbsp baking powder 1\2 tsp yellow food colour 1\4 tsp FOR SYRUP water 100 gm sugar 300 gm. ghee 200 gm. oil 100 gm how to Mysore Pak,how to make Mysore pak at home,how to make soft Mysore pak,how to make ghee Mysore Pak,how to prepare Mysore pak at home,how to do Mysore pak at home,how to make Mysore pak at home in Hindi,how to make besan Mysore Pak,how to cook Mysore Pak,how to make crispy Mysore Pak,how to correct Mysore Pak,how-to cooking Mysore Pak,how to do Mysore pak sweet,how to make Mysore pak easy,how to do mysore pak easily,how to prepare ghee Mysore Pak