Avatar The Last Airbender: Team Avatar Meets Wan Shi Tong

Avatar The Last Airbender: Team Avatar Meets Wan Shi Tong

Overview At a desert oasis, the group encounters a professor who tells them of a hidden library overseen by a spirit in the desert. Inside, Sokka discovers a crucial weakness of the Fire Nation's that has the potential to end the War: the date of an upcoming solar eclipse, which will cripple the firebenders' abilities. The spirit of the library, Wan Shi Tong, refuses to allow them to leave with the knowledge, and sinks the library into the sand. The team narrowly escapes the library but is devastated by the loss of Appa, who is captured by sandbenders in their absence. Synopsis The scene opens with Aang sitting on the ground, looking over a vast savanna landscape. The gang stands behind the seated Aang, who is holding a flute in his hand; Sokka asks: "What's out here?" As Toph bends down to touch the ground, she responds, "A lot actually." Just as she is about to elaborate, Aang interrupts her, telling her not to ruin the surprise. He plays a musical note on the flute and a groundhog-like creature emerges and repeats the same note. After Aang plays several more notes, Sokka plugs his finger into the end of the flute in frustration and states that they need to make plans. Toph points out that they are making plans – mini-vacation plans. Sokka argues they do not have time for vacations. Aang points out that he is diligently working his "arrow off" with Toph and Katara to master the elements and Katara agrees there's nothing wrong with enjoying themselves during their downtime. Sokka expresses concern at lacking inside information about the Fire Nation and the fact that even if Aang masters the elements, they would be unable to locate the Fire Lord, let alone defeat him. Sokka states they need intelligence in order to win the war. Katara aptly states, "All right, we'll finish our vacations and then we'll look for Sokka's 'intelligence'." Zei.png Professor Zei is the head of anthropology at Ba Sing Se University. For her mini-vacation, Katara chooses the Misty Palms Oasis. However, the gang soon finds that the Misty Palms Oasis' reputation has gone downhill in the past one hundred years. They go into a bar-like establishment where an employee prepares a mango. The customer being served accidentally bumps into Aang, spilling some of his drink onto him. Aang uses his airbending to dry himself. The customer, excited to meet an airbender, introduces himself as Professor Zei of Ba Sing Se University. He begins quizzing Aang as though the latter is a science specimen. Sokka inquires as to whether the professor has a more recent map, and the professor unrolls a map showing a vast desert with routes marked where he has gone in search of a Knowledge Spirit's library. With the possibility that the library may have information to be used against the Fire Nation, Sokka dramatically announces his choice of location for the next mini-vacation to be the library. The professor states it is impossible to cross the desert on foot, but the gang introduces him to Appa. Sandbenders, earthbenders who specialize in bending sand, are attempting to steal Appa as the team walks out of the cantina, but the professor shoos them away. Wan Shi Tong's Library map.png Aang looks at a diagram illustration of Wan Shi Tong's Library. The group heads out in search of the enormous library. After a long search, Sokka finally spots a tower-like structure sticking out of the sand. They investigate, but conclude that the tower is not what they are looking for, as it is much smaller than the library's illustration. Just as they are about to give up and go back, a fox carrying a scroll races up the side of the tower and enters via a window at the top; Sokka realizes this is the library, and that most of it is just underground. Devastated that his lifelong dream of finding the Knowledge Spirit's library is nearly buried, the professor drops to the ground and begins to excavate. Toph places her hand on the tower and announces the library is intact under the sand. Everyone enters the library via the open window, save for Appa, who does not fit through the opening, and Toph, who declines due to not being able to read. Facebook:  / avatar-roku-tv-110777370558396   Instagram:https://instagram.com/avatarrokutvoff...