Resident Evil 2 Leon A Standard Run FULL GAME Part 1/2

Resident Evil 2 Leon A Standard Run FULL GAME Part 1/2

Resident evil 2 is one of my favourite horror games especially experiencing Leon's final boss music. I have completed Leon and Claire's story off camera but I will be recording and unlocking all locks, safes etc for people to know. Currently off camera at the moment I'm speed running Claire's story to get the infinite samurai edge and later I'm getting the infinite knife then doing the Hardcore and S+ ranks WEAPONS THAT YOU CAN HAVE WHEN DOING A NEW GAME (Appears in item box): Samurai edge (Albert) - Buy Samurai edge (Chris) - Buy Samurai edge (Jill) - Buy Infinite knife - Find all mini raccoon toys Infinite samurai edge - Complete Leon or Claires story with S rank on standard Infinite SMG - Complete Leon or Claires Story with S Rank (Hardcore) Infinite Rocket Launcher - Complete Leon's story with S+ rank on hardcore Infinite minigun - Complete Claire's story with S+ Rank on hardcore RANKS: S+ - Complete Leon's or Claires story in under 2:30:00, save max 3 times, only use the infinite knife as a infinite weapon (otherwise non infinite weapons are okay) S - Complete the Leon's or Claires Story under 3:30:00 A - Complete the Leon's or Claires under 5:00:00 B Complete the Leon's or Claires Story under 8:30:00 COSTUMES: Leon (Casual) - Complete Leon's story Leon (Police) - Complete Leon's Story Leon (Police injured) - Complete Leon's Story Leon (98's) - Free to buy at online shop Leon (Alternative) - Complete Leon's or Claires story Leon (Sheriff) - Buy Leon (Noir) - Buy Claire (Jacket) - Start Claire's story Claire (Tank top) - Complete Claire's story Claire (98's) Free to buy at online shop Claire (Alternative) - Complete Leons or Claires story Claire (Eliza) - Buy Claire (Military) - Buy Claire (Noir) -