Festival of Lessons and Carols 12 25 22 Christmas Day

Festival of Lessons and Carols 12 25 22 Christmas Day

Join us for a retelling of the birth of the Savior through Scripture and song. Family friendly worship service. For the hymns, Linda plays the piano beautifully. Church is in-person. Copyright License A 20765168 Expires 09/30/2023 Streaming License A 20765175 Expires 09/30/2023 One License #; A-732909 Expires 04/15/23 0:00 Opportunities for Mission & Spiritual Growth 1:30 Prelude 4:40 Call to Worship (Traditional Byzantine Christmas Prayer, alt.) 5:00 Opening Prayer God Moments, Joys & Concerns 7:23 The Lord's Prayer, United Methodist Hymnal #895 8:00 Festival of Lessons & Carols 8:00 First Lesson Genesis 3:8-15, 17-19 Read by Pastor Laura God announces in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve’s punishment for their rebellion and that the seed of woman shall bruise the serpent’s head. 10:50 Hymn "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus", United Methodist Hymnal #196 Words by Charles H. Wesley (1744) Music by Rowland H. Prichard (1830) 13:10 Second Lesson Genesis 22:15-18 Read by Kim God promises to Abraham that by his descendants all the nations of the earth shall obtain blessing. 14:15 Hymn "O Come, O Come Emmanuel", United Methodist Hymnal #211 Words by 9th cent. Latin; Trans. stanzas 1, 3, 51b, 6cd, 7ab The Hymnal, 1940 Translated (sts 2) by Henry Sloan Coffin (1916) Translated (sts 4, 5cd, 6ab, 7) by Laurence Hall Stookey (1986) Music by Anonymous Harmonized & Arranged by Thomas Helmore (1854) 17:55 Third Lesson Isaiah 9:2, 6-7 Read by Bob The prophet announces the birth of a king to a people in darkness. 19:15 Hymn "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming", United Methodist Hymnal #211 Words by Sts. 1-2, 15th cent. German; st. 3 from The Hymnal, 1940 Translated (sts 1-2) by Theodore Baker (1894) Music by Alte Catholische Geisliche Kirchengasäng, Cologne, 1599 Harmonized by Michael Praetorius (1609) 21:10 Fourth Lesson Micah 2:2-5a Read by Pastor Laura The king is coming and will usher in a reign of justice for the poor and peace for all of God’s creation. 22:15 Hymn "O Little Town of Bethlehem", United Methodist Hymnal #230 Words by Phillips Brooks (ca. 1868) Music by Lewis H. Redner (1868) 25:30 Young Disciples Time "Happy Birthday, Jesus" 31:05 Fifth Lesson Luke 1:26-35, 38 Read by Kendra The angel Gabriel announces to the virgin Mary that she will give birth to God’s promised Son whose kingdom shall never end. 32:55 Hymn "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing!", United Methodist Hymnal #240 Words by Charles Wesley (1739) Altered by George Whitefield (1753) Music by Felix Mendelssohn (1840) Arranged by William H. Cummings (1856) 34:07 Sixth Lesson Luke 2:1-7 Read by Madeline Against the backdrop of emperors and taxes, Jesus is born. 35:10 Hymn "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing!", United Methodist Hymnal #240 Words by Charles Wesley (1739) Altered by George Whitefield (1753) Music by Felix Mendelssohn (1840) Arranged by William H. Cummings (1856) 37:25 Seventh Lesson Luke 2:8-16 Read by Susie The shepherds go to see the Savior of the world, lying in a manger. 38:45 Hymn "Angels From the Realms of Glory", United Methodist Hymnal #220 Words by James Montgomery (1816) Music by Henry T. Smart (1867) 41:25 Eighth Lesson Matthew 2:1-11 Read by Dave The king is coming and will usher in a reign of justice for the poor and peace for all of God’s creation. 43:15 Hymn "We Three Kings", United Methodist Hymnal #254 Words & Music by John H. Hpkins Jr (1857) 47:20 Ninth Lesson John 1:1-14 Read by Pastor Laura John unfolds the great mystery of Incarnation. 49:40 Hymn "Joy to the World", United Methodist Hymnal #246 Words by Isaac Watts (1719) Music by G.F. Handel (1741) Arranged by Lowell Mason (1848) 51:50 Worship God With Tithes and Offerings 52:03 Offertory 53:45 Doxology "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow", United Methodist Hymnal #095 Words by Thomas Ken (1674) Music attributed to Louis Bourgeois (1551) 54:30 Prayer of Thanksgiving 55:37 Benediction & Sending Forth 56:10 Postlude