Neanderthals Were Smarter Than You Think!
According to researchers, Neanderthals (scientifically known as Homosapiens neanderthalensis) represent an archaic branch of the human species that split from modern human ancestors around 500,000 years ago. By approximately 40,000 years ago, they had largely vanished from Europe and Asia. Interestingly, many scientists now classify Neanderthals as a subspecies of modern humans, rather than a completely separate species. This categorization as Homosapiens sapiens and Homosapiens neanderthalensis highlights the significant genetic and physical overlap between the two groups. Recent discoveries have shown that the biological and genetic makeup of Neanderthals is far more closely related to modern humans than once thought, including shared traits such as blood types and other hereditary features. . . . . . #Neanderthals #HumanEvolution #AncientHumans #HomoSapiens #NeanderthalFacts #HumanAncestry #PrehistoricLife #EvolutionaryScience #Archaeology #GeneticHistory #ExtinctSpecies #AncientDNA #HumanOrigins