RAI THERAPY Permanent cure of Hyperthyroidism - Dr. Tanvi Mayur Patel

RAI THERAPY Permanent cure of Hyperthyroidism - Dr. Tanvi Mayur Patel

For online/offline paid consultation appointment wa.me/919987829999 RAI Therapy is OLD,SAFE,effective now used as a first-line treatment rather than surgery. permanent and reliable cure for hyperthyroidism. I-131is given which EMITS RADIATION. It destroy thyroid cell. Indication : HYPERTHYROIDISM ,GRAVES DISEASE, GOITER ,Thyroid cancer. It is not emergency but rather planned and optional therapy WHERE DO I GET RAI THERAPY ? nuclear medicine treatment so in hospital NUCLEAR MEDICINE DEPARTMENT WILL I NEED TO GET ADMITTED IN HOSPITAL no. it is done in opd outpatient basis Who will be involved in this procedure? radiologist ,endocrinologist, thyroid surgeon, technician What equipment is used? no equipment used during radioactive iodine therapy. HOW DO I PREPARE FOR MY TREATMENT ? no special preparation.remain fasting on the day of treatment. Thyroid should be working when this treatment is taken, so antithyroid drugs, should be stopped before the treatment Carbimazole, stop three days Propylthiouracil, stop at least 2 weeks Continue with your other medication beta-blockers in pregnancy RAI is not given. stop breast feeding take a 3- 5 days leave from work low iodine diet for a few weeks How is the procedure performed? The treatment and its effects will be discussed consent to the treatment. I-131 is swallowed in a capsule or liquid dose It is concentrated from the blood by the thyroid gland, where it begins destroying the gland's cells. a single dose is successful in treating hyperthyroidism. rarely, a second treatment is necessary. A third treatment is very rarely necessary. HOW MUCH DOSE WILL BE GIVEN TO ME Dose is very important as to determine your dose - radioactive iodine uptake scan is done larger the gland, the larger the dose. higher the iodine uptake, the smaller the dose. POST RAI CARE return home following treatment. DO I NEED TO FOLLOW SPECIAL DIET AFTER TREATMENT ? Yes. low iodine diet avoid prolonged, close contact with other like children under five years and pregnant women for 5-7 days keep at arm’s length for two to three weeks drink plenty of water. excess will be excreted in saliva, sweat, tears, vaginal secretions, and faeces. Use private toilet facilities.sit down when urinating. flush the toilet 2-3 times after use Wash hands and Bathe daily Use disposable eating utensils.Launder clothes separately during first 3 days avoid public transport avoid prolonged automobile trip with others. Do not prepare food with bare hands. do pregnancy test within 24 hrs prior to RAI. avoid becoming pregnant from six months to one year after treatment. breastfeeding women should not receive RAI therapy avoid fathering a child for at least 4 TO 6months carry a medical letter Side effects of radioactive iodine? Neck tenderness and swelling, Nausea. Swollen salivary glands, Loss of taste ,Dry mouth ,Dry eyes. Excessive tearing from the eyes. Permanent hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid Thyroid pills-inexpensive.reliable,safe ,doesnt impair fertility. HOW LONG DOES RAI TREATMENT TAKE TO SHOW ITS EFFECT ? up to six months How many doses needed - 90% need one dose 10% need 2nd dose. no problems with having more than1 dose. How will I know if I need 2nd dose If symptoms persist after six months, you may have to receive a second dose. Contraindications Pregnant woman, Lactating women, women planning for pregnancy in 6 to 9 month time. overactive thyroid can cause thyroid crisis or storm. thyroid eye disease to minimise the risk of worsening eye disease, steroid tablets, early treatment with levothyroxine and stopping smoking. hypothyroidism can occur within 12 months Instagram:   / drtanvimayurpatel   PAID Consultation : WhatsApp +919987829999 video is for Educational purpose only. consult your Doctor/ Physician before taking any medication/Supplementation . All Contents by Speech & Video by : Dr. Tanvi Mayur Patel Video Editing, Uploading by : Vimal Vanani, Surat Work Portfolio : https://behance.net/VimalVanani Breeze by MBB   / mbbofficial   Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0 Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2PFncFB Music promoted by Audio Library    • Breeze / Fantastic / Fresh – MBB (No ...