I Did 100 Pushups & Pull-ups Everyday For 30 Days | Results!
This video obviously took me a month to complete. I did 100 pushups and 100 pull-ups everyday. Pushups and pull-ups are some of the most popular exercises, and for good reason. They are basic, easily accessible, and very efficient. But what happens when you do them every single day. I kept track of my weight, muscle growth, and took note of my overall physical and mental health. This was a fitness challenge for a month, but it was a daily struggle too, (muscle soreness, lack of rest and recovery, and to be honest boredom). I highly recommend pushups and pull-ups for anyone; they are great exercise movements to gain muscle and become more fit. Hope you enjoy! And thank you so much for the support; we just hit 1,000 subscribers! Thank you, I'll see you in the next one #pushups #pullups #fitness #fitnesschallenge #athomeworkout #exercise #workout #workoutroutine #workoutmotivation #fitnessmotivation #30daychallenge