30 Min Power Yoga To Feel Strong | Intermediate Full Body Yoga Flow
Want to feel strong and challenged by your yoga practice? ♥︎ Give this power yoga a try! It's perfect for intermediate yogi's who are looking for a challenge. and like minimal cues - less talking from me so you can concentrate on your practice. This practice includes: 1. Minimal cues so you can focus on your own practice. 2. Sun Salutations to build heat in the body. 3. Standing sequences that lead into peak poses. 4. Hip openers, arm balances, backbends, standing balances and inversions. 5. Sequences for lower body and upper body strength. 6. 2 Min Shavasana at the end to help you restore your energy. Minimal cues are great for a few reasons: ▸ They help you focus on your own experience and really listen to your body, instead of me. ▸ You won't rely on information from me, so you can inquire more about what's going on in your body and hopefully make new discoveries. ▸ Extra silence encourages you to focus on the sound of your breath and focus your mind by focusing on the breath. _ This routine is perfect, if you like my: 20min Power Yoga Flow 20min Intermediate Power Yoga 20min Animal Moves Flow Intermediate - Advanced Classes With love, Charlie ♥︎ Links: Online Programs: https://www.charliefollows.com/programs Newsletter: https://www.charliefollows.com/newsle... Social Media: Instagram: / ch3rlieflow Facebook: / charliefollowsyoga TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@charlieefollo... Charlie is a registered Yoga Teacher with over 500hrs of training in vinyasa yoga and functional anatomy. She combines her knowledge of anatomy with an intelligent approach to sequencing to offer yoga flows that are creative, playful and effective. Charlie taught for years at studios in her home town and now focuses her teaching online to make yoga accessible to everyone around the world. DISCLAIMER: Please consult with your physician regarding the suitability of any recommendations made on this channel. Before beginning any form of exercise programme ensure that you are following all safety instructions specific to your own well being. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself and release Charlie Follows Ltd from any liability.