MurrayHillsCC Musical 4th Advent Sunday on December 19th, 2021
Murray Hills Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Beaverton, Oregon provides this recording of our in-person worship service from December 19th, 2021 for your enjoyment. This is the fourth Sunday of Advent, so the fourth candle of Advent will be lit along with a short responsive reading followed by singing of "One Candle is Lit" to conclude the candle lighting element of the service. As this is the last Sunday before Christmas, this service includes a high level of musical content. After the lighting of the fourth Advent candle, the candle of Love, the 4th verse of “One Candle is Lit” is sung. Then, after the “Passing of the Peace”, the choir sings “Breath of Heaven” (by Craig Courtney) as directed by Ellie Hodder with piano accompaniment by Cheryl Young and featuring soloist, Abbey Sybrant. Then,after the “Children’s Blessing” time, the choir presents the special music selection singing “A La Nanita Nana” (by Victor C. Johnson) directed by Ellie with piano accompaniment by Cheryl. Before the sermon, the hymn, “Of the Father’s Love Begotten” is sung. Rev. Dr. Troy Sybrant's sermon is titled "Jesus, Light of Love" based on the scripture reading of John 1:1-18 & 1 John 4:9-19. As part of "Music Sunday", the sermon includes musical pieces from the Jubilate Handbell Choir (playing "O Little Town of Bethlehem") and the hymn, "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" as well as the hymn, "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling" is sung. Following the sermon, the Faith, Hope & Love music team (vocals from Abbey S, Brenda K, Jim C, Chris E & Ellie H with Chris E on guitar, Kay M on piano and Ellie H on Cajon drum) leads the congregation in singing "Love is Christmas" (by Sarah Bereilles). The Communion invitation hymn is "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent" directed by Ellie and accompanied on piano by Cheryl. Following Communion and offering time, the closing hymn "Hark the Harold Angels Sing" is sung. After wrapping up the service with announcements and the Benediction, special music presentations by the Jubilate Handbells (playing "Sing We Now of Christmas" by Kevin McChesney) and by Cheryl Y on piano (playing "On This Day Earth Shall Sing") www.murrayhills.org Other piano music provided by Cheryl includes: Prelude: "On to Bethlehem Town" - Tune: Tua Bethlem Dref - Traditional Welsh Carol - Arr: Craig McKibben "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen" - Tune: God Rest Ye Merry - 18th Century English Carol - Arr: Larry Shackley "How Far Is It to Bethlehem?" - Traditional English Carol - Arr: Mark Hayes "Bethlehem Carol" - (Don Oiche Ud i mBeithil) - Traditional Irish Carol - Arr: Larry Shackley Postlude: "On This Day Earth Shall Sing" - Personent Hodie - Piae Cantiones, 1582 - Arr: Larry Shackley