Make Neapolitan Pizza in 3 Hours!
RECIPE Main Dough - 300g 00 Flour *200g Water 8g Salt 5g Fresh Yeast (or 3g Instant Yeast) use cold water if the weather is warm above 25C Toppings - Homemade Tomato Sauce https://buymeacoffee.com/shebakesourd... Fresh Mozarella Cheese Grated Parmesan Cheese Basil Leaves METHOD ➡️ Measure out and prepare all the necessary ingredients. ➡️ Mix all the ingredients together until you get a nice shaggy mass Cover and rest for 30 min. ➡️ Do 1 set of stretch-and-fold. Cover and rest 30 min. ➡️ Drizzle some olive oil or semolina flour, and divide the dough into 2 equal portions. Rest the dough until double (It took me 1.5h at 28C) ➡️ Preheat the oven Baking in a Pizza Oven : My Pizza Oven https://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinm... Preheat your pizza oven to 400C Baking in a Home Oven : Preheat your oven and baking steel* to its highest temp setting (~250-300C) for at least 30 minutes *A baking steel or pizza stone will yield the best results. ➡️ Shaping the pizza Once the pizza dough has doubled, turn it out onto a bed of semolina or rice flour. Sprinkle some semolina flour on top of the dough to prevent sticking before you start shaping the dough. Leaving a rim around the dough, work your fingertips starting from the bottom towards the top to flatten and degas the dough. Be careful not to burst the delicate air bubbles around the rim. Turn the dough and do the same on the other side. Now lift the dough and place it gently on your clench fists. Using your knuckles, slowly stretch the dough outwards. Repeat this action in a clockwise direction until the dough is stretched thinly without tearing. ➡️ In a swift action, drag the pizza dough onto the peel and quickly put on the toppings. Shake off the excess flour and to make sure that the pizza is not stuck to the peel. ➡️ Launch the pizza into the oven. ➡️ Baking in a Pizza Oven Turn the temperature up to 425C and launch the pizza into the pizza oven Bake for 90 sec with 2 rotations in-between. Baking in a Home Oven ➡️ Bake the pizza on a baking steel or pizza stone at the highest temperature setting of the oven (usually 250-300C ) for 5- 10 min until the crust is puffy and golden! TIP : Bake the pizza at the top rack and if you have the broiler function, turn it on for the last 30-60 seconds if you like some charring on your pizza crust. Enjoy! RESOURCES : ➡️ How to Shape Pizza Dough https://buymeacoffee.com/shebakesourd... ➡️ How to Freeze Pizza Dough https://buymeacoffee.com/shebakesourd... ➡️ Machine-mixing 101 https://buymeacoffee.com/shebakesourd... #bread #homemade #recipe #sourdough #tutorial #pizza #homebaker #homebaking #baking #easy