Gyeran mari (Korean Egg Roll with Cheese) 치즈계란말이 - Fillipina [ENG,한글 CC]

Gyeran mari (Korean Egg Roll with Cheese) 치즈계란말이 - Fillipina [ENG,한글 CC]

Hello everyone~~ today I am going to make an easy korean food It's called "Gyeran mari" or "Korean Egg Roll" It's very easy and delicious If you try first, you may fail But here are some tips that can help you The ingredients of the food are also very simple If you like it, please click 'Like' and "Subscribe"~~ 만약 재미있게 보셨으면 "좋아요" "구독" 꼭 부탁 드려요~~ Scarlet's kitchen INSTAGRAM @scarlet kitchen FACEBOOK @이스칼렛 E-MAIL lovely sarang0190@gmail com *You can buy all the ingredients in our local supermarket! Cooking ingredients Eggs 5, Leeks 1/3, Carrot 1/3, Onion 1/4 ,Cheese 요리재료 계란5, 파 1/3, 당근 1/3, 양파 1/4, 치즈