5 Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy 🤰🏻 | FittyMe
1. Papaya: Unripe or semi-ripe papaya contains latex, which can trigger uterine contractions and potentially lead to miscarriage or premature labor. It's advisable to avoid papaya, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. 2. Pineapple: Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that can soften the cervix and potentially lead to early labor. While small amounts might be safe, it's generally recommended to avoid pineapple, particularly in large quantities, during pregnancy. 3. Raw or Undercooked Eggs and Meat: Consuming raw or undercooked eggs and meat can expose you to harmful bacteria like Salmonella and Toxoplasma. These can lead to severe foodborne illnesses, posing risks to both the mother and the baby. Always ensure that eggs and meat are thoroughly cooked. 4. Unpasteurized Dairy Products: Unpasteurized milk and dairy products like certain traditional Indian cheeses (paneer made from raw milk, for example) can contain harmful bacteria like Listeria. It's crucial to consume only pasteurized dairy products to avoid any risk of infection. 5. Street Food: While street food is popular in India, it’s best to avoid it during pregnancy due to the potential risk of foodborne illnesses from unsanitary conditions. Street foods like pani puri, bhel puri, and chaat often contain raw ingredients and water that may not be safe. Opt for homemade versions of these dishes to ensure hygiene and safety. For more interesting content like this Follow @fittymefromdoctors . Click the link in our bio, register to get connected with our experts. [Pregnancy foods to avoid, pregnancy tips, weightloss] #fittymefromdoctors #pregnencyfoodstoavoid #healthypregnancy #momtobe #healthyweightloss #pregnancytips #pregnancyhealthtips