Christmas Eve 9:00PM Family Service - December 24th, 2023
Experience the beauty and solemnity of Christmas at our Traditional Candlelight Worship Service at 9:00PM. Held in the Sanctuary, these services feature our Chancel Choir performing classic carols in a serene candlelit setting. The harmonious blend of choir voices and the soft glow of candles create a deeply moving and reflective atmosphere, ideal for those seeking a traditional Christmas Eve experience. Come hear the timeless story of a baby, born in a manger, who will become the Savior to all. We want to connect with you! Email Pastor Chad at [email protected] to get plugged in or you can find our website at ljpres.org/connect. We hope to see lives transformed by a relationship with Jesus, and we strive to be a place where you experience and are able to express that transforming love of Christ. It builds our faith to help give back a portion of what God has given us. If you would like to help further His work in La Jolla, San Diego and the world you can give online at LJPres.org/Donate. La Jolla Pres holds a CCLI License to live stream and archive all musical material.