What if Mustaches Disappeared? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children
Buy AumSum Merchandise: https://www.aumsum.com What if Mustaches Disappeared? Firstly, if Mustaches disappeared, world record holder of the longest mustache would be one sad lot. Secondly, if Mustaches disappeared, many people may suddenly stop going to salons. Thirdly, if Mustaches disappeared, people who just noticed their first white mustache hair would be one happy lot. Fourthly, if Mustaches disappeared, sale of artificial Mustaches may skyrocket. Lastly, if Mustaches disappeared, people who love to style their Mustaches would be extremely disappointed. Timecodes 0:00 - What if Mustaches Disappeared? 1:00 - Why is oxalic acid used to remove rust stains? 2:59 - Why do buildings have lightning rods? 3:53 - Why does an iron nail float on mercury and sink in water? 5:51 - Why can we smell hot food from a distance? 8:00 - Why do women have shriller voices than men? 9:27 - Why do water lilies have stomata on the upper side of their leaves?