Zombie Army Trilogy - EP3 - The Keep - ALL Bottles AND Gold

Zombie Army Trilogy - EP3 - The Keep - ALL Bottles AND Gold

UPDATE : Plasma has made the video for ALL BOMB LOCATIONS if you are struggling here    • Zombie Army Trilogy - All Bomb Locati...   - I recorded it for you, but my internet has been down for 2 days so apologies to you all that were asking. Virgin media turned up just now and replaced the modem - NOW I am back!! Welcome to Episode 3 "Beyond Berlin" Mission 4 - The Keep, we are getting there there now. NTA Paul / MrNeblo / SSCP - Whatever you prefer to call him, some still remember him as Dreamkiller, ah, the memories. In this mission we have the same amount of collectibles - sit back, controller in hand, and follow along to get All the collectibles in ONE handy video! And listen to my commentary to keep you entertained on your quest :) Feel free to catch us on Twitter @ntagameguides Our website is www.ntagameguides.com Or over on twitch.tv/mrneblo ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ Please watch: "Hard Reset Redux - Mission 1: First Contact - All Collectibles"    • Hard Reset Redux - Mission 1: First C...   ~-~~-~~~-~~-~