IMPORTANT INFO FOR TEENAGERS WHO ARE WEIGHT TRAINING . For children: First thing first, please be patient. You shall see gains when testosterones start kicking in, which could be different for different children. So don’t focus on building huge muscles, work on your skills. . For parents: Lifting weights strengthens muscles, bones and stabilises joints, which may reduce the risk of injuries and fractures. It may also promote psychological well-being, self-esteem, enhanced pain tolerance, improved cognition, better discipline and reduced period cramps and PCODs issues in girls. . Tips for children starting out: . 1. Warm up for 5–10 minutes with dynamic movements before your main workout and cool down with static stretching. 2. If starting out, start with super light load (could be even 0.5kgs) or body weight to learn proper technique, correct breathing and form. 3. Keep reps high and load light: Start with just 1–2 sets of 8–12 repetitions with the aim to reach 15-20 reps, so the load should be extremely low. Do not rush the reps and focus on doing every rep correctly. Children take time to build coordination skills, so be patient. 4. Sorry to say Physical education teachers are not qualified to teach weight training, unless they have taken formal training. 5. Last but not the least weight training does not mean you have to take protein supplements. They could be taken only if getting enough protein from real food sources is not possible, which may happen due to food sensitivity or intolerance or diet restrictions. Please consult a nutritionist or a doctor before adding it to your diet. A fitness trainer or physical education teacher is not qualified to suggest these to a child. . For a FITTER, STRONGER, HAPPIER YOU! . #teenager #weighttrainingforteenagers