태백산의 환상적인 눈 그리고 눈 페스티벌_Snow Festival Taebaeksan National Park
태백산 눈 축제는 태백산 초입 광장에서 벌어진다 태백산은 2006년에 22번째 국립공원으로 지정되었으며, 2800여 그루의 구상나무가 눈과 어우러져 환상적인 분위기를 자아낸다 Snow festival normally has held on the ground in front of Taebaeksan Mountain for 9 days in January after it started in 1994 for the first time But nowadays, it has been banned because of the coronavirus pandemic Taebaeksan Mountain was designated as the 22nd national park in 2006 Approximately 2,800 yew trees have grown in Taebaeksan Mountain It forms the largest yew habitat in South Korea Cheonjaedan, Important Folklore Cultural Heritage No 228 a place where a harvest ceremony had held for thousands of years