I Tried my Grandmother's 100-year-Old Bread Recipe
I Tried my Grandmother's 100-years-old Bread Recipe I am Nava, I am happy to be with you dear ones. I upload videos every week on Saturday and Tuesday 👉 some language subtitles are available please change the cc to your language . 👉Don't forget to subscribe to my channel for new recipes and turn on 🔔 to receive notifications. I am happy if you like my video, your likes and comments will encourage me Material 250ml Lukewarm milk 60ml liquid oil 10grams of sugar 7grams dry yeast dough 5grams salt 1egg white 600grams wheat flour 30grams butter One egg yolk and one spoon of milk Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 25 minutes Bakery heaven Bakery products Bakery Baking Bread Bread recipe Recipe Recipes Breakfast Breakfast recipe Pastry Asmr Rezept Rezepte Cook How to make bread Dough #bakeryheaven #recipe #breadbaker