The sun. Skin cancer. Healthy skin. Part 1

The sun. Skin cancer. Healthy skin. Part 1

Products I love. Beaudreaux's Butt Paste (with Zinc Oxide). The SENSITIVE skin one is the one I generally suggest. The Extra Strength one contain Peru Balsam which can be irritating for some people and cause reactions. Works great to heal skin and is a good sunblock. Tallow, Pork Lard, Duck Fat, Olive Oil and Jojoba are what I use in my Tallow face balms. For the body, I add Coconut Oil. I also use Carrot Seed Oil and Rose hip Seed oil for the face at times. Argan oil is nice too. Organic cold pressed oils are the best as long as they are fresh. I prefer to use CO2's for skin healing and for serious skin issues I love Myrrh CO2 and Frankincense CO2; Copaiba Balsam CO2 is a wonderful alternative to those; and can be added to those for more benefit. I reserve the Myrrh and Frankincense for more serious conditions and use Balsam Copaiba for less serious things (instead of those). I do often add the Balsam Copaiba to the Myrrh and Frankincense as I find the 3 work exceptionally well together. The most benefits come from the CO2 version. I love to combine this with the tallow balm and the zinc oxide balm for an incredible skin healing remedy. I typically use 1-2% concentration for all over the face and will use a higher concentration for spot treatment; provided the skin tolerates this well. Using some fresh inner clear gel from ALOE VERA LEAF is also deeply healing. Be sure to use this fresh directly on the face/skin. You do not want to add this to your product as this will cause bacteria to build up literally overnight and will ruin your balm.