APPLE BUTTER - Bonita's Kitchen
Welcome to Bonita's Kitchen! Today we will be making APPLE BUTTER, recipe posted below!. This delicious apple butter is made with freshly picked apples and spices. Ingredients: 2 bags, medium apples, 6 to 7 pounds 2½ cups white granulated sugar - or more if needed 1¼ cups apple cider vinegar 2½ cups water ½ tsp sea salt 2 tbsp lemon juice, fresh or bottled 1½ tsp ground cinnamon ½ tsp ground allspice ½ tsp fresh ginger or ground ¼ tsp cloves Method: In a large pan wash your apples good, the apples you use is of your choice. After cut apples into wedges and place in large boiler, leave peel, stems and stones on, this will give you extra pectin released from the apples, but cut all bruising off. Then add water, apple cider vinegar and sea salt to boiler with lid and bring to a boil on medium heat, after its reached the boiling point reduce heat to low/simmer for about 10 or 15 minutes, until apples have soften and broken apart. After using a sieve with spatula or potato ricer, add cooked apple sauce and press through into a bowl, leaving the stems, peels and seeds behind, only keep the juice and flesh put back in the boiler to start cooking again. Leaving all of the stems, peels and seeds behind for your compose. Then add sugar, spices, lemon juice and start to boil on a low to medium heat, stirring occasionally. Make sure sauce don’t burn or stick to the bottom of the boiler. Test the sauce to see if you need to add more sugar to your taste, keep stirring until apple mixture is thick and smooth. The colour will darken a little as the apples sauce condenses and slowly goes thicker. This can take about 1 to 2 hours on the low to medium heat to become a smooth and thick spread. “ USE A COLD PLATE TO CHECK IF SAT” scoop a small amount on cold plate if it sets its ready to bottle if it don’t leave for another few minutes to continue condensing. Test after the first 1 hour to see if the apple butter got enough sugar and if you need more, apple got its own sweetest so if you wish to only had half the sugar first and the other half if needed. if the apple butter is to your liking and its soft and spreadable your apple butter is DONE. After you can prepare your jars by following our sterilizing and canning procedure and you will need about 4 - 500ml jars or 8 - 250ml if you wish use the smallest jars so you can use them as GIFTS for Christmas or special occasions, or use jars of choice, you can also freeze the apple butter in single containers or vacuum sealed bags and remove as needed. Bottle and seal then store in your fridge or cold storage until eaten, if frozen keep only for 6 months. After apple butter is opened keep in the fridge until eaten or within a few weeks. Thank you for watching Bonita's Kitchen, and don't forget to subscribe for more Traditional Newfoundland Recipes and Cooking!