Welcome to Bonita's Kitchen! Today we will be making a delicious APPLE BUTTER PUDDING! See recipe below! To view & download the full recipe, please view it here on our website: Our cookbooks link: Ingredients: Recipe: 1 cup apple butter or apple sauce ½ cup apple juice 1½ cup sifted all-purpose flour 1½ tsp baking powder ¼ tsp sea salt ½ cup milk 1 tsp vanilla ¼ cup water ½ cup butter or margarine, melted 1 tsp cinnamon 1 or 2 apples, grated or cubed ¼ sugar Method: Method: Preheat oven to 350ºF, baking time 45 to 60 minutes, grease 9 x 9” pan, sprinkle ½ tsp cinnamon over bottom of pan. In a bowl add butter, sugar and sea salt, mix together. Then sift flour and add baking powder. Then add milk, water and vanilla, mix until combined, peel apples, then grate or chop, then add to bowl fold together, then add to pan spread evenly out. Then add more cinnamon and spread apple butter evenly over top of batter, pour apple juice over top, then sprinkle more cinnamon. Place pan in preheated oven on middle rack, when baked. Serve hot or cold, with thick cream or whipped cream. BONITA'S TIPS! Use apple sauce if you don't have access to make your own apple butter, I will share the link to the recipe as well. Enjoy! Bonita’s Kitchen © I apologize in advance if anything in this video is not clear or misread, please follow my recipe when making this dish. Thank you for watching Bonita's Kitchen, and don't forget to subscribe for more Traditional Newfoundland Recipes and Cooking!