Why 92% of People NEVER Get Abs?
You do this mistakes: 1. You never train your abs with weights. You don’t treat your abdominals like any other muscle group. 2. You think your calories need to be super low so you’re not eating enough to grow any muscle. 3. You think you have to be super “lean” so you do hours of cardio each week, also making it harder to grow muscle. Cardio is catabolic. 4. You train them every day, not realizing muscle only grows at rest. ABS CAN recover in 24 hours, but if you’re really pushing yourself during your workouts, every other day is MORE than enough for 95% of people. If you want to create 3D, defined core muscles (that don’t widen the waist), you need to eat enough to GROW THAT MUSCLE! YOU DONT HAVE TO STARVE YOURSELF TO HAVE ABS! You need to BUILD THEM like any other muscle group (and not overdo obliques re: "waist". Will having a lower body fat % make them more visible for some of you? Yes. But I’ve been able to maintain my defined, six pack even during periods of lean bulking and a range of 14%-18% body fat by building UP the muscles. If you want 3D abs, you need to BUILD THEM! Muscle growth and fat loss take time, but they are POSSIBLE! #sixpack #absworkout #abs #flatstomach #looseweight #sixpackabs #coreworkout