Surprising 10 YouTubers in 24 Hours ft/ Brent Rivera
My son Hudson decorates our house for a huge surprise makeover for Salish while she delivers holiday presents to Brent & Lexi Rivera and other surprise guests! 300K LIKES AND BRENT & PIERSON WILL TAKE A LIE DETECTOR TEST!!! I WENT ON 100 DATES IN 24 HOURS!! (Brent Rivera) • I WENT ON 100 DATES IN 24 HOURS!! SUBSCRIBE TO HELP ME BEAT BEN TO 20M: / jordanmatter FOLLOW SALISH: / saysaymatter SUBSCRIBE TO HELP HUDSON REACH 1M: / hudsonmatter Sofie Dossi - BUNNY (Official Music Video) • Sofie Dossi - BUNNY (Official Music V... SUBSCRIBE: Salish: / @salishmatter Lexi: / @alexarivera Sofie: / @sofiedossi Pierson: / @pierson Ben: / @benazelart Jeremy: / @jeremyhutchins Andrew: / @andrewdavila6696 Brent: / @brentrivera Amp World: / @ampworld Hudson: / hudsonmatter Lifetime Crystals: / lifetimecrystals Where we got the bunnies: Haley's Petting Zoo http://www.haleyspettingzoovillage.com Nalish surprises: My Daughter Surprises Her Best Friend emotional • My Daughter Surprises Her Best Friend... My Daughter's Emotional BIRTHDAY SURPRISE ❤️ • My Daughter's Emotional BIRTHDAY SURP... See Hudson's "FIRST TIME LIVING ALONE! *emotional*" • MY FIRST TIME LIVING ALONE! *emotional* Subscribe to my Photo Challenges channel to see FATHER VS DAUGHTER: / @jordanmatterphotochallenges MERCH: https://shopjordanmatter.com/ Business Inquiries: info@jordanmatter.com Video by Sandy Chase Music licensed through Artlist and Epidemic Sound Wow, if you're still reading you are awesome! BOOOMMMM!!