5 SURPRISING Avocado SEED Health Benefits?!?

5 SURPRISING Avocado SEED Health Benefits?!?

It is commonly known that avocado is one of the super foods with lots of health benefits. It promotes weight loss, is good for the skin and hair, and digestive health. However, most people who eat avocado are throwing away one of the best parts of the avocado, which is the seed! Yes you can eat the seed and you should because it is one the most nutritious parts of the fruit! How do you eat the avocado seed? Simply just remove it from the avocado and then you have to rinse and dehydrate it in 250 degrees Fahrenheit for around 2 hours. Once you do this, take it out and then remove the outer skin. After removing the skin, cut the seed in half and the dice it up into thin pieces. Once this is done put the slices into a blender until you get a nice powder. Now you can add them to your oatmeal, smoothies, salads, and even baking. So what are the benefits of eating the avocado seed? High in Dietary Fiber Avocado seeds are known as some of the best dietary fiber in the diet, according to health experts. The fiber in it helps balance blood sugar levels, which means it can help you avoid the peaks and dips and energy after eating a carbohydrate rich meal. Especially for people who have diabetes the seed can an amazing food to help their blood sugar levels. 2. Rich Source in Antioxidants The actual avocado seed has show much more antioxidant activity than the regular part of the avocado. A study was done that said the antioxidants in the fruit may be the reason the avocado seeds have some many health benefits. 3. Fight Pain and Inflammations in the Body The anti inflammatory in the avocado will help improve the bodies circulation and and eliminate toxins to decrease inflammations of tissues. 4. Avocado Seeds Prevents Wrinkles The antioxidants and flavonols can help stop the damage caused in the skin, making your skin more firm and younger looking! 5. Gives you stronger hair Some common hair problems are dandruff, dry hair, and split ends. Consuming the Avocado seed will help get rid of these common problems because of the healthy fats it has in it. It will help the hairs natural moisture as well as fungal growth. So the next time you finish the Avocado be sure to keep the seed and blend it up.