किडनी फेलियर में पैरों की सूजन को कैसे दूर करे | How to Remove Leg Swelling in Kidney Failure
किडनी फेलियर में पैरों की सूजन को कैसे दूर करे | How to Remove Leg Swelling in Kidney Failure Hello Dosto .. Dosto es video me kidney khrab hone ke baad hame jo dikhte hoti ha jese ki swelling hona , Urine pass na hona , creatinine ka badhana en sbhi dikto ko ham kese dur kare esi ke baare me ham es video me baat karege . Dosto en sbhi samasyao ko dur kare ke liye ham ek ayurvedic kadhe ke baare me baat karege. Jisko banaan kafi aasan ha or esko bnanae me hame gokhru ki aavsktha padegi . Four queries:- 1. Kidney swelling reason 2. Kidney swelling treatment in hindi 3. Kidney swelling in unborn baby 4. Kidney swelling treatment 5. Kidney swelling symptoms 6. Kidney swelling treatment in telugu 7. Kidney swelling reason in telugu 8. Kidney swelling reason in tamil 9. Reason of increasing creatinine 10. Reason of cramps in kidney patient Dosto video ko pura dekhe. Video aapko pasand aaye to video ko like , share or channel ko subscribe kare. वीडियो को पूरा देखे । वीडियो पसन्द आये तो वीडियो को लाइक , शेयर ओर चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करले। / @manjeetghorela124 Note:..... This content is for informational and educational purposes only . I am note a medical advisor. #kidneytreatment #ayurvedictreatmentofkidney #kidneyproblem #kidneydisease #yogaorayurveda #kidneyswelling #urenerytractinfection #protininurein