Day 79 - The One Year Bible for Kids

Day 79 - The One Year Bible for Kids

Day 79 (20 March 2022) (1 Samuel 7:3-10, Hebrews 13:5) The One Year Bible for Kids (NLT) The One Year Bible for Kids copyright 1997 by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved #JesusisLOVE #Revival #WordofGod #BradleySkinner In today's reading we read about how the Israelites were serious about getting back to God. So Samuel called all the people together and told them they had to destroy all of their false and foreign gods and turn from their sins. So all of the Israelites did what was asked by Samuel. However the Philistines heard where all the Israelites were and so decided to go and attack them, so they advanced on them and the Israelites called out to Samuel to please with God to help them, and so Samuel did and God answered and loud thunder voice came and threw all the Philistines into panic and confusion and the Israelites defeated all of them. From this story we see that we should get rid of any worldly things that we are putting ahead of God, we should always strive to put God first in everything we do and not to be consumed with this world. Friends I encourage you to take the time to sit quietly and think of everything God has blessed you with and give thanks to Him. Even the wonderful salvation that He gave us by having His only Son die on the cross for us. May you all be blessed with this message in Jesus wonderful and mighty name :)