THE BEST Critical Pulse Power Surge Bow Build | ENDGAME Once Human | INSANE Ad Clear, but is it Meta

THE BEST Critical Pulse Power Surge Bow Build | ENDGAME Once Human | INSANE Ad Clear, but is it Meta

CRADLE SETUP: Anti-Phase Tactical Combo Status Enhancement Deviant Energy Defense Elemental Sense Rapid Aid Marked Strike Transient Impact Timestamps 00:00 The BEST Critical Pulse Once Human build 00:43 Critical Pulse Crossbow setup 01:47 Key armor Overloaded Pants 02:35 Gearset seup 03:37 Armor Mods 04:56 Secondary, Deviation, food buff, and ammo 05:52 Outro #oncehuman #oncehumangame #oncehumanpowersurgebuild #oncehumeguide #criticalpulseoncehuman #newplayer #returningplayer #pve Twitter -   / mattgoesbuck   Twitch -   / mattgoesbuck   Discord -   / discord