Once Human - BEST CRITICAL PULSE BUILD?! Endgame Power Surge PvP & PvE Guide

Once Human - BEST CRITICAL PULSE BUILD?! Endgame Power Surge PvP & PvE Guide

This might be the Best Critical Pulse Power Surge Build for the Endgame in Once Human 1.4 for both PvE and PvP! The Lunar Oracle Update introduced Critical Pulse, an amazing new Crossbow for which I share my build with you guys today; It hits like a truck, dealing tons of AoE and Single target damage, one tapping enemies in both PvE and PvP. Shooting a crossbow has never been as fun as today; trigger Lightning with Thunderclap and improve elemental damage with Flame Resonance. I'll show you where to find the Blue Top Mod; Flame Resonance, Thunderclap, Deviation Expert and many more: Everything you want to know about my version of the Once Human best Endgame Critical Pulse Build for both Blood Moon events and PvP with a balance of damage and survivability! Enjoy Once Human Interactive Map - Find EVERYTHING Fast! https://mapgenie.io/once-human 0:00 Critical Pulse Build For PvE AND PvP! 0:45 IMPORTANT INFO 1:20 Weapons & Calibrations 5:05 BEST Calibration Farm?! 5:30 Armor Set & Key Item 7:00 Weapon Mods 9:20 Armor Mods Pt1 11:30 BLUE Chest Mods! 12:40 Armor Mods Pt2 14:30 Deviations 17:50 Cradle Overrides 20:45 AMAZING Survivability! 21:25 Food Bonuses 23:00 Share Your Thoughts ------------------------------------------------------------ 💬 Discord: http://tiny.cc/txeavz 👕 Merchandise: https://store.04amofficial.com/ 🎮 Subscribe:    / 04amofficial   👀 Instagram:   / 04amofficial   🐔 Twitter:   / 04amofficial   🕹️ Game servers: https://tinyurl.com/04AMservers 🔥 Influence: https://influence.co/04amofficial ------------------------------------------------------------ 🤝 Business & collaboration: info@04AMofficial(dot)com #oncehuman #04AM #oncehumangame