Reactors Reaction to JOHN WICK taking out Viggo Tarasov's Son

Reactors Reaction to JOHN WICK taking out Viggo Tarasov's Son

Subscribe for more: Reactions Reaction to John Wick taking out Viggo Tarasov's Son Losef for killing his dog and stealing his car. 0:00 Nikki & Steven React    / @nikkistevenreact   0:56 ScreenSlurp    / channel   2:40 The Homies    / @thehomiesreact   3:38 Popcorn In Bed    / @popcorninbed   4:22 Badd Medicine    / @baddmedicine   4:57 Dasha of Russia Reacts    / @dashareacts   5:42 Jen Murray    / @jenmurrayxo   6:02 Movies with Mary    / @movieswithmary   6:29 JUST TRUST ASH    / @justtrustash