Molasses Duff - Bonita's Kitchen

Molasses Duff - Bonita's Kitchen

Welcome to Bonita's Kitchen! Today we will be making Molasses Duff. Link to pudding tin! To view & download the full recipe, please view it here on our website: Ingredients for Duff: 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup molasses, light or dark 1/2 cup butter or margarine 1 tsp baking soda 1/2 cup raisins ( optional ) Ingredients for Caramel Sauce: 2 tbsp butter                     1 cup dark brown sugar 1/4 cup evaporate milk or milk of choice 1 tbsp vanilla  Method for Duff: In a bowl rub together by hand your flour and butter. After add molasses to a measuring cup and warm in the microwave for 20 to 30 seconds, and when removed add baking soda to the cup and mix. Then pour into bowl with flour and butter mixture and fold together, after all the ingredients are combined, grease a pudding pan or use a prepared pudding cotton bag, add mixture. In a medium boiler quarter fill with water and heat, put pudding tin in the water and cover with lid. If you are using a pudding bag leave room in the bag for the pudding to grow and then tie the string on the bag and after tie it to the boiler handle to steam, then cover with lid. After cooked remove from boiler, remove lid and using a knife or spatula release the duff from the sides, check to see if the duff is cooked by poking a knife in duff. If it need a few more minutes put back into boiler for another 5 to 10 minutes. Then after turn over into a plate, let sit for a few minutes. Then release from pudding tin or bag, serve with caramel sauce or meal, duff serves 6 people and should be eating that day while fresh. Method for Caramel Sauce in saucepan: 1. In a saucepan, melt butter; add sugar & vanilla whisking to blend well.  2. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens. (Do not allow to simmer, or it may curdle.) 3. Whisk in milk , remove from heat.  4. Whisk before serving, the sauce should be soft, creamy, and smooth. Method for Caramel Sauce in microwave: Put all ingredient in a bowl or measuring cup except the vanilla, put in the microwave and heat for 30 to 40 seconds just to melt the ingredients. After remove from microwave and mix together for about 1 minute until it starts to thicken, then add vanilla and mix in. Keep warm until ready to use. Cooking time 1 hour and 15 minutes, serving for 6 people. BONITA’S TIPS: If cooking jigs dinner steam the pudding after you adding the potatoes at the top of the boiler, if you have room. Prepared pudding bag is, before you use it run under warm water to wet bag then add duff mixture. Add raisins or currant if desired. Thank you for watching Bonita's Kitchen, and don't forget to subscribe for more Traditional Newfoundland Recipes and Cooking!