आपका कितना वजन होना चाहिए | Body Mass Index (BMI) | How much your weight should be |
Body mass index (BMI) We can understand how much our weight should be as per height by BMI calculation. BMI = weight / height in m2 eg. suppose someone have 60kg weight & 1.7 metre height BMI = 60/ 1.7*1.7 = 60/ 2.89 = 20.76 This way we can calculate BMI by this formula. BMI Chart Normal range - 18.5 to 24.9 Underweight - below 18.5 Over weight - above 25 Grade of obesity pre obese - 25 to 29.9 grade 1 - 30 to 34.9 grade 2 - 35 to 39.9 grade 3 - above 40 We must manage our BMI in range of 18.5 to 24.9 ---------------------------------------------- Social Links ----------------------------------------------- Like Us On Facebook : - / beyourdoctor2016 Email :- [email protected] Website : https://www.beyourdoctorweb.com ---------------------------------------------- Editor : Parth Nathwani