No, Not One: Romans 3:9-20
Speaker: Jordan Date Preached: 1 September 2024 Sermon series: The Gospel Unpacked (Romans) This past Sunday, Jordan delivered a message from Romans 3:9-20. He reminded us of three powerful truths: What We Are—sinners; What We’re Under—sin’s power and guilt; and What We Need—Jesus, the Savior who justifies us before God. We were confronted with the reality of our condition before God. At our core, we are sinners—fallen and unable to meet God’s perfect standard on our own. The law makes it clear: no one is righteous, not even one. We are all under the power and guilt of sin, regardless of our background, status, or efforts. Yet, this is not where the story ends. Jesus, the Savior, has stepped into our brokenness and offered us justification before God, not based on our works but on His finished work on the cross. So, lay down pride and self-reliance. Embrace the righteousness that comes from God alone. Let’s trust in Christ alone for our righteousness and allow the mirror of the law to lead us to the One who can truly save us.