Final Fantasy XIV (FF14): Magicked Bed mount

Final Fantasy XIV (FF14): Magicked Bed mount

Magicked Bed Vendor: Itinerant Moogle Cost: 50 Irregular Tomestone of Phantasmagoria It gives us great pleasure to announce the return of the Moogle Treasure Trove starting Wednesday, February 26, 2025! Collect irregular tomestones of phantasmagoria by completing specific duties and exchange them with itinerant moogles for a host of treasures including accessories and mounts. Seek out those tomestones and reap the rewards! Feel Free to follow us on Facebook:   / ffg117   Lanceesq : Twitch at   / fun_fan_gamers   Callisto: Twitch for Sea of Thieves, Final Fantasy XIV (FF14) and Baldur's Gate 3 at   / funfangamers