Mini Crustless Pumpkin Pies

Mini Crustless Pumpkin Pies

Mini Crustless Pumpkin Pies First off, let me be clear that we’ve got nothing against pie crusts. In fact, we love a really good homemade pie crust. This crustless pumpkin pie is an EXCELLENT idea for those needing a gluten-free dessert, those saving their carbs for an extra serving of mashed potatoes 😉 OR simply skipping the crust because pie crusts can be tricky to make! Just a FUN option for those who appreciate opinions 😁 These lil’ crustless pumpkin pies are so delicious and silky-smooth that you won’t be missing the crust. 🎃 I used fresh homemade pureed pumpkin (recipe link below) to make the filling, and the fresh pumpkin flavor was the star of this show. The coconut whipped cream dolloped on top just finished things off so nicely and definitely made our mini pies taste like an incredibly decadent dessert meant for the holiday season. Be sure to read through the full instructions before making these, especially if you’re planning ahead for the holidays. They require a bit of planning. Are you a pumpkin fan? I’m not just a fan. I’m completely obsessed. COMPLETELY. There are SO MANY reasons to add pumpkin to your diet – it’s loaded with vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds that are good for you. PLUS … it’s low in calories and tastes great.