ASMR Reiki Session | Leaving The Past Behind | Lunar Session

ASMR Reiki Session | Leaving The Past Behind | Lunar Session

Hello and Welcome my beautiful friends 🧑 Thank you so much for being here. I appreciate your presence and support. Todays session is a Lunar Session where we are going yo be working with the Last Quarter Moon. We are going to be focusing on leaving the past behind. Cleansing and clearing our energetic body to remove energetic imprints of the past to allow us yo stand in this present moment. Creating this energy of grounded abundance. I hope you enjoy this healing energywork Session. All my love forever and Always ✨️ πŸ’• Laura 🌈 πŸ§šβ€β™€οΈ #asmrreiki #energywork #energycleansing #quartermoon #lunarhealing