신현근 박사: 마골리스의 자기애적 전이에 대한 이론
Margolis's theory on the Narcissistic Transference 마골리스의 자기애적 전이에 대한 이론 교재: Margolis, B D (1979) Narcissistic Transference: The Product of Overlapping Self and Object Fields Modern Psychoanalysis 4:131-140 Understanding the difference between narcissistic and object transference provides us with a valuable insight into the treatment of the narcissistic as distinguished from the oedipal patient When the oedipal patient ascribes an attitude to the analyst, the latter may make an interpretation based on object transference, e g , “This is how your father appeared to you and how you felt about him ” The patient had experienced the oedipal situation as a relatively mature person, with a command of language and secondary process thinking The interpretation now offers him an insight into his unresolved oedipal conflicts and how they affect his relationship with the environment It makes a connection in his mind between his current transference feelings and the original oedipal feelings by means of the spoken word, which is present in both situations As a result, it enables him to evoke from the unconscious the hostile thoughts and feelings about his father and to liberate himself from the conflicts associated with them The therapy of preoedipal disorders, on the other hand, differs from that of oedipal disorders expressly with regard to the use of interpretation Language skills had not yet evolved to any appreciable degree in the early stages of development at which the preoedipal patient is fixated, nor had thoughts, feelings, and memories become associated with verbal expression Events and feelings of that period are therefore largely inaccessible to secondary process thinking and verbalizing Interpretations, offering intellectual explanations of the connection between the patient's transference feelings and his early childhood experiences, will only fall on deaf ears They will evoke no countervailing memories of the past To tell a restless, demanding, discontented preoedipal patient: “You were a colicky, distraught infant who remained inconsolable no matter how your mother tried to ease your distress,” will have no constructive effect It may even worsen the patient's condition and generate greater resistance since, unable to place the statement in any meaningful context, his immature ego may experience it as an attack (Margolis, 1979, pp 133-134)