CTK Service 2022-12-24, Christmas Eve
December 24, Christmas Eve Late Service Pastor Ray Waespi, Musicians Barney Tiller, Jason Tiller, Lynn Waespi, Choir, Praise Ensemble Christ the King Lutheran Church, Fremont, CA This service was streamed from CTK's sanctuary. To learn more about Christ the King, visit us online at http://ctkfremont.squarespace.com/ 01:15 Prelude - From Heaven Above to Earth I Come, by Johann Pachelbel 05:45 Gathering Hymn - O Come, All Ye Faithful, v1,3, ELW 283 (mic off at start) 07:54 Angels We Have Heard on High, v1,3, ELW 289 12:39 What Child is This, v1, ELW 296 14:36 Away in a Manger, v1, ELW 277 16:55 Anthem - Before the Marvel of This Night, by Carl Schalk, Choir 20:10 Sermon 31:03 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing, v1, ELW 270 35:30 Offering Hymn - Good Christian Friends, Rejoice, v1, ELW 288 40:30 Communion Hymn - Worship the Newborn King, by Toby Baxley, Praise Ensemble 44:42 Silent Night, Holy Night, ELW 281, v1 in German by Jason Tiller & Lynn Waespi, then v1,2,3 49:11 Sending Hymn - Joy to the World, v1,4, ELW 267 Postlude - From Heaven Above to Earth I Come, by Johann Pachelbel (different from prelude) Bible Passages Isaiah 9:2, 6-7 Luke 1: 26-38, 2:1-7, 8-20