Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms and Treatment In Urdu Hindi - Irfan Azeem

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms and Treatment In Urdu Hindi - Irfan Azeem

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms and Treatment In Urdu Hindi - Irfan Azeem in this video I'm going to talk about the vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms and treatment in urdu hindi and also I'll tell you that how to increase vitamin b12 and what are the symptoms of vitamin b12 deficiency Vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms:- 1.Pins and needles in the hands and feet 2. Fatigue 3. Depression 4. Yellowish skin 5. Blurred vision 6. No strength in the muscles 7. Movement problems 8. Headaches 9. Irregular heartbeat 10. Memory loss Treatment Options:- If your vitamin B12 deficiency is caused by a lack of the vitamin in your diet you may be prescribed vitamin B12 tablets to take every day between meals. Or you may need to have an injection of hydroxocobalamin twice a year. Natural sources of vitamin B12 include:- 1. Meat 2. Salmon and Cod 3. Milk and other dairy products 4. eggs 5. yogurt and cheese 6. Beef liver and chicken Your Queries:- vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms and treatment in urdu hindi - irfan azeem vitamin b12 how to increase vitamin b12 vitamin b12 ki kami se kya hota hai vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms in urdu vitamin b12 ki kami vitamin b12 ki kami ka ilaj vitamin b12 ki kami k lakshan vitamin b12 ki kami ki alamat cobalamin vitamin b12 deficiency vitamin b12 deficiency vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms signs of vitamin b12 deficiency vitamin b12 in urdu hindi vitamin b12 deficiency treatment causes of vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms of vitamin b12 deficiency vitamin b12 deficiency causes vitamin b12 foods vitamin b12 deficiency signs vitamin b12 deficiency anemia b12 deficiency symptoms vitamin b12 benefits overview of vitamin b12 deficiency signs and symptoms of vitamin b12 deficiency vitamin b12 blood test vitamin b12 rich foods vitamin b12 normal levels b12 deficiency b12 vitamin foods b12 b12 supplements cobalamin deficiency methycobal deficiency cobalamin deficiency signs of b12 deficiency low b12 levels how to increase vitamin b12 levels b12 rich foods b12 kya hota hai vitamin b12 kyu kaam hota hai b12 kaam hone ke wajohat b12 ki kami ke lakshan vitamin b12 deficiency in urdu vitamin b12 deficiency in hindi vitamin b12 kin cheezon me paya jata hai irfan azeem dr irfan azeem Video related tags:- #vitaminb12 #vitaminb12deficiencysymptomsurdu #cobalamindeficiency #vitaminb12deficiencytreatment #increasevitaminb12 #vitaminb12test #vitaminb12sources #irfanazeem #drirfanazeem 👉 For more details subscribe My YouTube Channel By clicking here    / @dr.irfanazeem   👉 My Instagram account   / doctorirfanazeem      • Vitrum Multivitamin Review In Urdu Hi...      • Immune 4 California Gold Review Urdu ...      • (Surbex Z) Benefits and Side Effects ...      • Centrum Multivitamin Review In Urdu/H...      • Centrum Women Multivitamin Review In ...    • One A Day Multivitamin Review In Urdu...      • Wellman Multivitamin Tablets Review U...      • Cracked Heels Solution In Urdu Hindi ...      • The Magic Of Apple Cider Vinegar Urdu...      • Low Testosterone Signs Symptoms In Ur...      • What is HbA1c Test Urdu Hindi- Normal...      • Cinnamon Benefits In Urdu Hindi - दाल...      • Gonadil F Capsules Review| How To Use...      • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms & Tre...      • How To Lower ALT SGPT Levels Quickly ...      • H Pylori Diet Plan (Urdu Hindi) | Hel...      • Best fungal Infection Cream (Urdu Hin...      • How To Walk Correctly In Urdu Hindi |...      • Maca Tablet Review In Urdu Hindi| How...      • Pharmaton Capsules Benefits | World B...      • Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment In...      • Coenzyme Q10 ( CoQ10) Kya hai ? | Irf...   Disclaimer:- Any information on diseases and treatment available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional with questions you may have regarding your medical condition. always consult your doctor before taking any medications Thanks stay healthy