The Last of Us 2 - Chapter 18 Collectibles (Artifacts, Journal, Card, Workbench, Parts, Supplements)

The Last of Us 2 - Chapter 18 Collectibles (Artifacts, Journal, Card, Workbench, Parts, Supplements)

This video will cover all chronological collectibles through Chapter 18 - "The Seraphites". 0:17 - Parts x10 - After going through the revolting door at the start of the chapter climb up and find it left of the roof 0:32 - Trading Card-Randy Styles and Parts x5 - In the supermarket building you need to go through 0:59 - Artifact-WLF Target List and Parts x4 and Supplements x15 - In the Kingsgate Brewing Co building to the left-kill the infected to get the artifact 1:47 - Journal Entry - In the Conference Center building which is across the previous one on the ground floor-inspect the wall 2:09 - Trading Card-Shift and Artifact-Last Letter to Husband and Parts x18 - Upper floor of Conference Center building-you will need to break the windows and use the rope to reach other side 3:35 - Parts x6 - Just a bit down the road under the yellow taxi 3:50 - Artifact-Evacuation Letter and Safe 08-10-83 and Supplements x24 and Trading Card-Star Sign - After previous taxi go left and climb the truck to reach the upper part of the hotel building 5:10 - Workbench and Parts x5 and Training Manual-Explosives and Supplements x29 and Artifact-WLF Deserter Letter - Same building as the previous collectibles but the other room (be careful when you inspect the workbench to survive the encounter) 6:03 - Journal Entry - Automatic during the story 6:46 - Trading Card-Arch-Enemy and Parts x7 - Inside the next building you will have to reach the bottom and then enter the room through the window for the room behind you 7:09 - Parts x15 - After you gain control in the sewers swim underneath the metal bars on the left 7:32 - Journal Entry - After you get attacked by the Scars kill them all and then inspect the body near the bus station 7:48 - Trading Card-Doppelganger - Next building in the upper floor halway 8:05 - Parts x13 - Same building in the room 201 8:16 - Artifact-Dying Husbands Plea and Supplements x35 - From the previous room climb the stairs outside to reach the upper floor 8:40 - Trading Card-Bhat MAndarr and Artifact-Pharmacy Note and Supplements x27 and Safe 38-55-23 and Workbench - After pickaxe miniboss you will jump into the water-after that enter the Westons Pharmacy building 10:10 - Parts x4 - When you kill the enemy with PS Vita a bit later 11:20 - Parts x4 - During the next enemy encounter before entering the hospital-in the tower 12:03 - Supplements x10 - Same area but in the white tent 12:16 - Supplements x7 - Inside the hospital in the left wing under the microscope 12:37 - Artifact-Hospital Supply List and Supplements x3 - Up the stairs in the first room on the right 13:06 - Supplements x11 - When you drop the air duct turn behind you Complete Playlist:    • The Last of Us 2   Full Trophy Guide: