20 STRANGEST Looking Mammals
The mammal class is full of strange creatures, animals you may or may not have ever seen before. Here are some that just look out of this world. Subscribe to Talltanic http://goo.gl/wgfvrr 11. Pallas’s Cat Known as one of the most expressive animals in the world, the Pallas’s cat is a small wild cat that closely resembles what most of us see as domestic cats. And that’s probably because Pallas’s cat and a regular domestic cat are similar in size. Though their legs are a little shorter than other cats, making them appear stouter with their thick and fluffy fur. They can be found in the grasslands and montane steppes in Central Asia and are named after German naturalist, Peter Simon Pallas. 10. Sunda Flying Lemur The Sunda Flying lemur can be found in regions such as Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. They measure up to 42 cm or 17 in and can be found gliding through forested areas as they are really adept climbers. However, once a sunda flying lemur falls to the ground, it’s pretty much helpless as its physique is not built for running. They mostly eat leaves and lick tree bark in order to drink some water and get their nutrients. 9. Wrinkle Faced Bat This bat is tail-less, though that’s not the physical feature it’s best known for, clearly. And you can be sure which bats are males since the wrinkles are much more evident on the faces of males in comparison to female wrinkle faced bats. But don’t be alarmed at the sight of one. They may look more Dracula than other bats, but they are frugivorous animals, which means they only eat fruit. 8. Rock Hyrax The weirdest fact about a rock hyrax is that it’s less closely related to rodents and more closely related to elephants. These terrestrial mammals can be found in parts of the Middle East and Africa, and are known in South Africa as dassies. These are the types of animals that build their homes, which are usually rocks with holes dug into rocks. 7. Silky Anteater Inhabiting parts of South and Central America are these puffy, fluffy mammals, also known as pygmy anteaters. The silky anteater are much more golden and fuzzy than their more common anteater family members, with shorter snouts than people are used to seeing on this kind of animals. They are the smallest of the anteaters, measuring up to 9.4 inches long and weighing as light as 14.1 ounces. 6. Platypus This is one creature whose appearance has confused humans for a long time. The duck billed platypus is so named for it’s nose and mouth that resembles that of a bird instead of a mammal, and look as if a beaver and duck had mated. In fact, when preserved platypus was introduced to western scientists, people thought it was a fake animal sewn together from parts of other animals. They even lay eggs, unlike most mammals and are endemic to eastern Australia. 5. Angora Rabbit They are the oldest type of domestic rabbit and were popular pets for royalty in Europe. The Angora rabbit was bred to have silky wool, which can grow ridiculously long and make the angora rabbit appear like huge cotton balls if it doesn’t get trimmed. Despite being so fluffy, they are known to not cause allergies in humans, unlike other animals. 4. The Long-eared Jerboa These nocturnal rodents are adored for their small stature and huge ears. They also have long hind legs as their mode of movement is jumping. Found in the palearctic zone, there isn’t much known about the long eared jerboa. They measure about 70 mm long, though are about 150 mm when you count their tails. But don’t be too excited at how adorable a long eared jerboa can seem. They have thin white incisors in their mouth which they use to chew on the various insects and capture their prey by leaping high into the air. 3. Lowland Streaked Tenrec The lowland streaked tenrec are not only known for their odd appearance, but are also famous for the way they produce sound, which is known as stridulation wherein they rub parts of their bodies together to make the sound and it’s something more commonly found done by snakes and insects. These mammals are found solely on the island of Madagascar and are active during the day and night. 2. Eastern Tube Nosed Bat Bats are already a strange sight to see up both at a distance when they’re all swarming together or even up close. The eastern tube nosed bat is native to north eastern Australia and are exceptionally well known for their unique physical characteristics. First it’s their tube nose that makes them stand out from other bats, along with their brown protruding eyes and yellow spots all over their fur. 1...